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The global economy today is governed by a neo-liberal system. Among other principles, it is based on strengthening of competition, enhancing the key role of the private sector in job creation, reducing government deficits by alleviating the State burdens, boosting innovation and considering competitiveness as essential items thanks to “entrepreneurship”.
The entrepreneur’s contribution to development is also assessed by the levying of taxes on his activities. These deductions enable financing public investment. In addition to this traditional role, the company strategically helps to identify new ways of solving economic problems (ranges of products, consumer needs, manufacturing processes, new scientific labour organisations, new market conquests).
In view of the above comments, some Anglo-Saxon countries decided in 2007 to celebrate the “Global Entrepreneurship week” in November of each year. Many other countries have followed their lead such that this event is now being celebrated in 170 countries around the world.
Since Cameroon intends to join this movement, from 2019, the Ministry of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMEESA), in accordance with the guidelines of the Entrepreneurship National Strategy Paper intends to organise the 1st edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Week from 18 to 24 November 2019 in Cameroon. The theme “Undertaking together to achieve our emergence“, chosen for this maiden edition, is in line with the implementation of the second phase of Vision 2035, which begins in 2020 with the aim of achieving a double-digit growth rate and an income per capita from US$3,706 in 2007 to US$11,455 value. The overall objective is to promote initiative or entrepreneurship among the population in order to stimulate economic activity for the achievement of our strategic development objectives. The Specific Objectives aim at mobilising, popularising and presenting entrepreneurial values to the entire national community and its partners.