Born on March 20, 1969 in Yaoundé (Cameroon), the Minister Achille BASSILEKIN III is married with several children.
Minister's Agenda
– Diplomatic School of Madrid
- Diploma CIRIDEX- 1997
- Diploma of the Diplomatic School of Madrid-1999
– Institute of International Studies of the Complutense University of Madrid
- Masters in International Economics-1999
– Institute of International Relations of Cameroon
- PH. D Degree in International Relations -1993
- Maîtrise in International Relations- 1990
– Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences
- Bachelor’s degree (1990)
-International Institute of Public Administration of Paris [2001]
– Beijing Diplomacy Institute [1997]
– International Institute of Human Rights of Strasbourg [Certificates 1999 and 2000]
– Graduate Institute of International Studies of Geneva [2004]
** The Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts
(since the 4th January 2019)
** Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2018-January 2019)
**Secretary-General of the Ministry of Trade of Cameroon (2015-2018)
** Deputy Secretary-General of the ACP Group of States (Group ACP) (January 2010 to October 2015):
- Head of the Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade
(concurrently with his duties as Deputy Secretary-General of the ACP Group) - Economic Adviser to the Permanent Mission of the ACP Group to the World Trade
Organization (WTO), the UN and other international organizations in Geneva until
2007; then Assistant to the head of this permanent mission in charge of the WTO
between 2008 and 2010. - Coordinator in the ACP Secretariat of the Sub-Committee of Ambassadors for the Private Sector and Investments, he led the expansion of the regional offices of the Centre for Enterprise Development (CDE), including the opening of the regional office of the Central Africa in Yaoundé in 2012.
** Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon
- Secretary of Foreign Affairs at the United Nations and Multilateral Cooperation Directorate
(1993) - Service Head at the Directorate for Asian Affairs [1997-2001]
- Desk Officer at the United Nations and Multilateral Cooperation Directorate [1993]
- English [United Nations English Language Proficiency Degree]
- Spanish [ Diploma de Espanol como lengua extranjera]
- German [Zertificat Deutsch als Fremdsprache]
- Speaker or moderator of public debates on development in general
- Facilitator of seminars and specialized courses on international trade, diplomacy
and international relations with several academic institutions - UNDP Associate Consultant and author of various consultations for different
institutions - Co-founder of the Circle of Studies and Reflection on Development -CRED
- External contributor to the drafting of various monthly or periodic newspapers
including the Monthly Pan-African Newspaper of Political Analyses AMANDL’A since 1992; to the Journal ENJEUX of geopolitical analyses since 2003; and the ‘Passerelles Review between Trade and Sustainable Development since 2005. - Former Member of the Diplomatic Watch Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cameroon
- Contributor to the preparation of Cameroon’s participation in the cycle of major United Nations conferences in the framework of the United Nations and Multilateral Cooperation. (1993-1996)
- Visiting scholar successively at the Lester Brown Peacekeeping Centre (Canada); at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI); at the Japanese Institute of International Affairs.
- Organiser or moderator of symposia or round tables related to the development of
Africa - Author of several papers, articles and publications (See publications and interviews
page) - Benefactor of several Foundations
Knight of the National Order of the Value of Cameroon
- Violin hobbyist
- History aficionado
- Bicycle and football fan